Frequently Asked Questions

What is a “Get Acquainted Call”?

I have a complementary 20 minute “Get Acquainted Call” with all potential clients so that I can get an understanding of your specific interests and needs and you can learn more about me and my services.  This call helps us both determine if we are the best fit.

Where do you work with clients and do you have geographical limitations?  

At this time, I only accept clients who live in Connecticut and Rhode Island due to licensing requirements.  Most individual clients work with me by phone or video chat. Limited in person appointments are available for individuals by referral and group sessions are arranged at a convenient location.  

What are the differences between meeting in person or by phone or video chat?

Working together by phone or video chat is an effective, efficient, and convenient way to receive most of my services.  It allows you, the client, to be in any location at the set appointment time without the challenges and inconveniences of additional drive time, parking, and the weather related challenges that are not unusual here in New England.  Clients who have childcare issues, mobility or transportation challenges, and those who want to be as efficient as possible with the scheduling of their time find phone or video chat to be great options.  Some clients opt to meet in person for the initial session and then do follow-up sessions by phone or video.

Working together in person is an option for clients that are referred to me. It offers you the advantages of face to face interaction and modalities that are not available remotely.  You are away from the usual distractions and can be fully present for our session. 

How does a phone or a video chat session work?

Phone Sessions: If you choose to work with me by phone I will provide you with a dedicated phone number to call at the time of our appointment.  All materials and resources that may be used during a session will be provided to you electronically.

Video Chat Sessions are a popular option that gives us the benefits of face to face time together despite being in different physical locations. You don’t need to have any fancy equipment or technical skills to participate; if you have a phone or computer with a built in video camera there are several video chat options that are easy to use including Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype.  I will send you a link inviting you to the session and in most cases all you need to do is click on the link to join in.  I will provide support to help you get started and all materials and resources that may be used during a session will be provided to you electronically.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy/counseling?

This is an important question to address, there are distinct differences between coaching and psychotherapy therapy/counseling. Both can be beneficial and they are sometimes compatible but they are not the same thing or interchangeable.  Psychological counseling or therapy is generally more oriented to the past and helps clients address and heal from past traumas, wounds, distress, and pain with an emphasis on developing insight in a treatment plan largely developed by the therapist.  Wellness in Reach LLC does not provide therapy, psychotherapy or counseling services.  Coaching is generally more present and future oriented and supports clients as they learn new skills, set and achieve their own goals, and work toward healthy lifestyle changes emphasizing solutions, action, and accountability.  It is very important that anyone who is currently engaged in therapy or counseling speak to their therapist/counselor first before beginning a coaching relationship to determine if it is appropriate to do so.

What are some common reasons people decide to work with a coach?

There are many different types of coaches and many reasons people have for working with them; there are business coaches, life coaches, health coaches, financial coaches and more.  People often decide to partner with a stress coach or a health/wellness coach specifically to support their efforts at making and sustaining positive lifestyle changes including eating better, moving more, coping with stress,  and learning new skills to promote optimal wellbeing.  Coaching sessions are led by the client’s goals and priorities and provide the support and accountability that can shift you from that place of good intentions to positive and sustainable change.