Group Programs

Yoga & Qigong Classes

 Both Yoga and Qigong are ancient arts that nurture the body, mind, and spirit.  The Yoga and Qigong classes I teach to individuals and groups are gentle and accessible to all ability levels and adaptable to your needs.

Yoga is part of  Ayurveda, a system of medicine from India, and encompasses a wide range of practices including physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises, and meditation.

Qigong is a beautiful fusion of movement, breath, and mindfulness that revolves around the cultivation and harmonizing of vital energy, or Qi.


For Your Group

Customize a Small Group Program or Workshop at your location to meet the needs and interests of your group.  Examples of prior offerings:

*Sharing Circles-group support around a topic of interest

* Vision Board Workshops​-fun, inspiring, all supplies included

*Art of Calm: Practical Coping Strategies and Relaxation Techniques
*Getting Your Zzzzz’s- Optimizing Quality Sleep
​*Environmental Health-Reducing Toxins in Daily Life
*Food, Stress and Immune Function: What’s the Connection?
*Inflammation: Understanding and Taming a Major Root Cause of Chronic Dis-ease

*Gut Wellness-Microbiome, Stress and Beyond

*Caring for the Caregiver: Self-Care for Nurses

*Reiki I and Reiki II classes

Customized to meet your needs and timeframe; contact me to discuss options.

Gut Wellness Program at Karma Kitchen, Mystic

Vision Board Workshop, Mystic, CT  

Reiki Workshop, Mystic, CT 

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™

The Peggy Huddleston “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™ program is an option for those who have upcoming surgery, chemotherapy, or procedures. This program empowers you to calm jitters, reduce anxiety, and feel more peaceful and it supports optimal outcomes. You can participate in this program by phone, via Skype, or in person and you are welcome to have a friend or family member participate at no extra cost.
$80 (includes a 60 minute session and a copy of the book and CD)

Service Features

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